Monday, January 23, 2012


We have our home study walk through tomorrow. Nothing major. Our caseworker will walk through the house and make sure child safety items are in place (check), 10 lb+ fire extinguisher (check), running water & working sewage (check!!), working heat and a/c (check) and several other things like that. A week from then we'll get re-certified in CPR & First Aid. Then we'll be just a short time away from having our license to adopt. :) So I guess that would explain the butterflies in my stomach. The realization that our family will be growing in the very near future. Our lives, our girl's lives, extended family's lives. Changed. Blessed. Different. The planner in me keeps freaking out too. All this nervous energy and I can't plan a thing! What kind of beds and how many will we need? Type/size of bedding? Clothing? Toys? Car seats? Don't know if we will have to travel and, if so, where to. So no pack list. Will we need to pack food to make meals or eat out all the time? What age of child also determines child care/school. Can't plan that. So I'm on a bit of a roller coaster with the top being excitement about finding all these things out and the 100 mph drop of excited frustration at not being able to plan. Then a chuckle as I realize that my Heavenly Father could easily be watching this silly cycle, eating popcorn and elbowing Jesus before saying, "Plan. Look at that! She still thinks she can plan things instead of just handing it all over a be willing to be blessed." Of course, He'd have better grammar than me.... I'm just excited. Ready to hug him/them. See our girls try to play with him/them while he/they give them a crazy look like "Who are you and why are you trying to shove an Iron Man toy in my hands to play dollie with you?" Ready to wipe away the tears. Ready to meet our support group & see what that's going to be like. Ready for it all... And my goodness! You should see how chill Adam is with it all. We're so balanced. Haha. Crazy and balanced.

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