Tuesday, August 14, 2012


No, I haven't been drinking too much coffee (is that possible? too much? hmm, doubt it.). We were called months ago about a now three year old little boy, Louis. We were called again last week and told that the relative who had tried to gain custody was not chosen and that THIS WEEK they will be reviewing homestudies. I feel a peace. I just don't know if it's a "we're finally getting our boy and I don't have to worry about it" peace or more of a "not now. chill." peace. Either way, I'm good. I do get a small case of the jitters when I give myself time to stop and think about it. Luckily, the school year is back to full swing and between implementing a new curriculum, having a co-work leave on military assignment & helping his sub, being on two committees at work, one committee in my educational society, and countless at church, teaching youth at church, helping Luci with homework, picking up Lorelai across town at the sitter's, packing lunches each night.....well, you get the idea. BEING A WORKING MOM. There. That was shorter to type. I'm just not giving myself much time to think about it. We have our homestudy in on three other sibling groups. Nothing could come of any of it. We're just resting in God's will right now. Waiting to see what will happen. We've already been so so so very blessed to have Luci be able to attend TCPS due to a huge gift from anonymous source. On top of that Lorelai got the last spot with Luci's old babysitter (old as in once upon a time...) and so that makes this mommy so relieved. I can go to work each day knowing that my sweet girls are in loving hands. WOW. 

So, we ask for your prayers for our family as well as whatever child/children God has in store for us. Please pray that he is working in their hearts to hear his word, for a positive transition into our family, and that the craziness of this school year not wear us down. Thank you so much for your prayers!

"May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you,
and be gracious to you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace."
Number 6: 24-26