Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pray Request

Ok, well we've submitted a sibling group to our caseworkers (on Friday) and she is, of course, out of town this week. :)  I called the adoption specialist yesterday to find out more about what will happen next. It was not the most encouraging thing but I have to remember that it's not about us getting children but the children finding the right home for them. :) 

Our adoption specialist was emailed the boys' profile and her next step is to contact their caseworker to find out more about them and if we'd be a good match for them. If that turns out okay they proceed to submitting our homestudy. Then it can go to committee or the caseworker & her superior will decide (depending on the state) who is the best family for the children. The caseworker would also decide if a few meetings need to occur before we bring them home. This could involve a trip or two by the family or one week long trip out there.

We'll see. We may not be a match. We could be a match but not be the family chosen. But we do now have specific children to pray for. :)  So... you could pray that they are in a loving & Christian home, that school/preschool is a positive environment for them, that they find positive ways to express their feelings about all that is going on/has happened to them. That my nerves don't get the best of me. :) That we're accepting of God's will.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Waiting Game

We've got our certification. We've been watching the photo listings. God is saying "Wait".  We just ask for your prayers. That we wait for God's perfect timing. That our children will go into a Godly foster home until it is time for them to be with us. That their little hearts and minds will be healed as they grow in God's protection.
And for now, we continue to wait.